Got Wisdom?
I wasn't sure what to make of V.M. Narrano when the philosopher's writings made an appearance in Glass Revenge, my sequel to Shattered Glass. Both protagonist Mina Glass and antagonist Evie Mendak read and quoted the anonymous author, each coming to opposite interpretations and decisions.
"Vengeance and hate blacken the heart and rob the soul of peace, beauty, and compassion." – V.M. Narrano
Narrano's second appearance came in Night Skyy, my latest novel and first book in the Lake Effect Series.
"Our deepest desire is to love and be loved in a way that risks everything." – V.M. Narrano
These and other wise words provoked Skyy Delaney to decide if she should play it safe or risk everything.
Narrano's original works are difficult to find. So, after observing the deep impact on my characters, it's only fitting that Narrano have his (or her) own compilation in modern form.
In my new book, Beyond Us: The Writings of V.M. Narrano, I assembled over 80 of her (or his) insights and provocative statements. Each themed grouping is followed by journaling prompts and pages for the reader's use. It's available in Print and e-book (the e-book reader is encouraged to provide their own journal or notebook).
I think you'll find Narrano's wise words applicable to many areas of life, especially in this time of worldwide social distancing.
It's available now on Amazon in Print ($6.79) and Kindle ($0.99) editions, and at Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, and other e-book retailers.
And just this week I discovered another of his quotes too late to make it into the finished book. Here it is for you:
"Never waste silence . . . by filling it. – V.M. Narrano
Good words for us all!
And if you discover V.M. Narrano's identity, let me know at